In Not so Many Words What I Actually Thought of Higanbana the 2nd Night

Higanbana vn tea gentleman

Being a Higanbana Beta Tester I had my first Higanbana the 2nd Night dose quite early and after reading it I can say that the 2nd Night is a vast improvement from the first title, but it is still no mystery that Higanbana lacks serious prominence among VN readers even among  07th Expansion readers.

Higanbana is still the odd cousin out of the 07thExpansion family. Pretty awkward, not as cool, or prominent and not many give it a proper chance. Factions are often divided between “love it” or perpetually “hate it”. Chances are that when someone is reading this at this moment this is one of the few places where one will find something of a review of one of 07th Expansion’s less popular works. The general response compared to its more popular titles is of simple acknowledging that it exists and expressing silent okays. In which case, this is probably you, my dear 07th Expansion reader, not expressing evident excitement. Continue reading

Umineko Twilight Debauchery – 50 –The /A/nonymous Goat Orgy

In so many more levels than you’re imaging. Two more entries and it’s over. R07 the ever notorious writer behind the Naku Koro Ni series is one of the few writers who calls me names, trolls me, kicks me in the balls and still manages to have my respect. But there’s a good reason for that – he can write. Continue reading

Umineko Requiem 46 [FINAL] – The Best Tea Party Ever

Only you Ryukishi. Only you. Requiem comes down like a hammer giving the world a metaphorical middle finger while it indulges in its theatergoer ways. And we are so ok with it. This Tea Party was the whole package. These games aim is to always top themselves on a different aspects. This Tea Party is practically everything everyone wanted to read, had theorized, and didn’t want to hear. The Best Tea Party Ever. Continue reading

Umineko Requiem 41 – This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

The return of the cynical and whimsical detective.

Just when we thought we couldn’t get any more morbid. It’s Witch day, theatergoers and it’s Requiem – the invitation to the grandstands of theatergoing. Y’know, it’s kinda hard to argue with a guy whose name has the word “Wright” in it.  Don’t y’ know?  Continue reading