In Not so Many Words What I Actually Thought of Higanbana the 2nd Night

Higanbana vn tea gentleman

Being a Higanbana Beta Tester I had my first Higanbana the 2nd Night dose quite early and after reading it I can say that the 2nd Night is a vast improvement from the first title, but it is still no mystery that Higanbana lacks serious prominence among VN readers even among  07th Expansion readers.

Higanbana is still the odd cousin out of the 07thExpansion family. Pretty awkward, not as cool, or prominent and not many give it a proper chance. Factions are often divided between “love it” or perpetually “hate it”. Chances are that when someone is reading this at this moment this is one of the few places where one will find something of a review of one of 07th Expansion’s less popular works. The general response compared to its more popular titles is of simple acknowledging that it exists and expressing silent okays. In which case, this is probably you, my dear 07th Expansion reader, not expressing evident excitement. Continue reading

From a Fan : Zero Escape 3 Must Happen and the Struggle of being Niche


You know what we don’t get enough of? Big figures such as Japanese writers and producers to communicate with western fans.With the times and technology bringing the world even closer together every year, more figures of VN and gaming scene are reaching out to the western fanbase.

This is a good change. I’d love to read and follow what big Japanese writers and producers are saying yet the language barrier has always proven to be something difficult to overcome, for many fans this is the same. Zero Escape sequel being on hold with an unknown future are terrible news. But you know what? I’m glad that Kotaro Uchikoshi is officially speaking out of the dire Zero Escape situation so everyone is aware of it. He has been responding to fans in English a few times in the past about it but right now he has made an English twitter account especially to communicate with the fans. Continue reading

Book of Shadows is not the sequel Corpse Party deserved but the sequel it needed


I confess am one of those awfully strange individuals who is of the outlandish opinion that horror ought to have a story, events that one can remember, and why not, characters who one can, fictional and hand-drawn as they may be, be memorable and important. Point is that the audience shouldn’t always believe all that the characters they are reading in a horror are going to perish horribly just because they inevitably are. Regardless of the outcome I would ask horror titles to not be so blatant about it. It’s possible they won’t meet their unspeakable demise. There is the possibility that somewhere there is a good end that no one expected it. That choice is up to the story. The final result only known the moment it happens – hard to predict, obscure. Continue reading