Six Years of Theater-going and Theoretical Game boards : The Beginning of a Golden Era (1st Bottle)

And more pieces that don’t make sense unless you’ve read everything up to this point.

While a great deal no naku koro ni related, and as intriguing as they are, I don’t particularly want it to be seen as only that, but a series of commentaries. What one takes away from stories. The key word is general. I find that to be more meaningful than focusing on a single story. It is also mentioned that everything written is extensively long and is best understood for anyone is familiar or who has read these stories and the commentary here over the years otherwise they’ll make little sense. For those who don’t, these entries are not addressed to you, for those who do carry on.  Continue reading

I’m more interested in the subplots than Chuunibyou’s main story

I’m not a huge Chuunibyou fan, not even a big one, rather a sort of a regular watcher who enjoyed the first season. One who enjoyed the antics of a group of high schoolers with too much imagination and second to none escape mechanism skills, enough to guarantee a second season. Thing is, I didn’t care much for the main couple beyond it being part of the main story. I still do. After the 2nd season this hasn’t changed much.  Why?

Rika and Yuuta’s relationship is boring. Yuuta has always been boring. Rika has become boring. I’d say I find Kumin to be more interesting but that’d be false. The relationship feels stale, dull. The story’s been moving at a snail pace for developments. When there is drama it is anticlimactically solved within the same episode. When they do make progress I don’t care much for it either way – as opposed to the 1st season when they weren’t together and their interactions were more interesting to look at. Continue reading

Secret Santa 2013 : Gatchaman Crowds and Binbougami ga!


So this time I rose to the challenge once again, almost going for the full Secret Santa experience this year. Instead of picking one show I picked up two out of the three. This time I was recommended : Gatchaman Crowds, Binbougami ga!, and Shinsekai yori.

The decision was both easy and difficult. On one hand I had a show that I had partly watched but put on hold, on the other there was a Binbougami ga!. Comedies are often super easy to watch. Lastly, there was Shinsekai yori which may or may not be my thing, but it was 25 episodes long so if I was picking this up I wouldn’t be picking the other two. In the end I went for the two former – Gatchaman Crowds and The God of Poverty. Continue reading

Rating the Haruhi Suzumiya Light Novels is tricky

haruhi novels

Hey, it’s Haruhi. Yes, that Haruhi. There was once this show about an insanely hyper girl called Haruhi Suzumiya’s, her eternal straight man quite often, ever, reluctant side-kick, not actual side-kick, Kyon, and a myriad of science fiction. Having always been fascinated by the show The Melancholy of Haruhi since the moment I saw the show so many years ago which it almost seems like it wasn’t that long ago, I had to read the novels. Initially, it took me a while to get deep into the novels but it was high up my ever expanding “to do” list.

Being someone who usually likes to read new material rather than to re-read what one has seen I was prone to skip the first volumes because the prospect didn’t sound too exciting. Granted, it is Tanigawa. It’s Haruhi. So I had to read them. It took two years and something to make it to the 6th novel while reading other unrelated books in the process but here I am – six books later. Continue reading